Funny Large Guy Diving Into River From Bridge

Some people were born to swim underwater, and I am non one of them. Even if all of the states were natural born h2o athletes, it kinda faded away at some point—the betoken nosotros realized lakes are buzzing with moldy fish, and the seas are full of sharks and marine monsters. (Thanks, Jaws, for giving a whole new pregnant to chilling at the embankment, I didn't ask for it.)

Simply the fear of sea depths is not completely irrational. Because when someone asked the divers and dear people on Reddit who spend a lot of fourth dimension underwater to share "the creepiest and most unexplainable affair you've seen while in the depths?" it wasn't fun.

From 20+-human foot-long fish that could swallow y'all whole to seeing things that aren't there, these are some spine-chilling answers that could easily pass every bit a script for The Deep Bluish Sea sequel.

When I used to surf I spent a good deal of time underwater - whether intentional, or not. One day, I went out in surf that was absolutely massive (for me). Information technology was 10 human foot solid all day. Bigger sets. Serious stuff. And it was a very dark, overcast Wintertime'southward day. And raining. You couldn't see s**t above the water, let alone below. At this identify, the bigger information technology gets, the further out on the rock shelf information technology breaks. So I was at least 200 m from shore when out of the gloom towered an absolutely massive set. Enormous. As big as I'd ever encountered. There were only a handful of other blokes out at that place. The wave was mine. At this indicate I wasn't scared at all. No, I wanted to go the biggest wave of my life. Then I tried. I got onto it but I just f**ked up the position of my feet, ever and so slightly. No chance of pulling out, and then I tried to go with it. And that is when information technology happened. The scariest f**male monarch water-based experience I always had. I fell off and this matter just took me to boondocks. It lifted me all the fashion upwardly and over the falls - I thought I was OK, but no, it was just commencement. It simply kept pushing me downward. Further and further. My ears hurt (badly), it was completely night, common cold (even in a wetsuit) - I came to rest on what seemed to be a very big, smooth rock (I could feel it with my fingers whilst I was pinned firmly to it). I was held in that location for what seemed like an eternity. Perchance 10 seconds. But then I could sense with my feet a ferocious electric current that seemed to finish at the edge of the rock - it was trying to pull me over the ledge and Down. I could hear information technology. At this betoken I was panicking. Seriously. I can't quite remember how I escaped. I take rarely been that scared in all my life. I made it to the surface. I actually idea I was going to pass out. I can't remember much more but I must take paddled in so f**king fast other people noticed. They came to see what was the affair. I merely sat on the beach. I could not even talk. I'm getting the f**rex heebie jeebies fifty-fifty reading my ain recollection.

Trinkelfat Study

Not a diver just, when I was surfing NZs w coast embankment I felt something rap around my leg so I looked down and it was fishing line so I tried to pull it upwardly and then the line got heavy, I assumed it was a fish, but as I pulled the line closer it got actually heavy and I began to sink so I hoped on my board and paddled closer to shore, I slid off my board and was in chest deep water, my friend came over cause he noticed something was wrong. We both pulled the angling line in and we saw a large silhouette in the water so we dragged it to the surface and it was a dead body, (someone stone angling fell off the rocks last week and was missing) there was a claw stabbed into his neck and angling line rapped around his confront and dug into his peel. We brought the dudes body to the shore and called in the life guards and so threw up due to the lack of his optics.

Kalologist Written report

An former WW2 ammunition transport off the south cost of england was full off contumely topped shells. Almost had been taken by divers over the years and it was at present very rare to see them, apart from a pile in i corner of the transport.

This pile of shiny brass metals was miraculous untouched and remarkably clean after spending years underwater and you only found out why if y'all swam most and then.

Out of the murky darkness the largest eel i accept e'er seen snakes forwards, without exaggeration this affair had a caput the aforementioned size as a equus caballus's head, full of jagged teeth. I could not see the body as it looped into the dark and deeper into the ship. No one got near those shells.

Turns out for years this thing had been guarding the shiny contumely shells, slithering over them making them shine. We found out at the bar later that he was famous in the surface area and many people went to the wreck but to meet him. No thought why this giant brute was guarding them similar a dragon and its horde, simply some said eels are like magpies and like shiny things.

RCMW181 Report

The ocean is deep, vast, and scary. Who knows what lurks in those crystal marine waters? In fact, much remains to be learned from exploring the mysteries of the deep since more eighty percentage of information technology remains unmapped, unobserved, and unexplored.

Imagine that the everyman point on Earth, the Challenger Deep section of the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean, sits at a staggering 36,000 feet below sea level. The depth could engulf the summit of Mount Everest plus 7,000 feet added on tiptop of it.It's also the home of some of the nigh frightening-looking deep sea creatures like frilled sharks and giant tube worms.

30 Of The Creepiest Things People Have Seen While Diving This reminds me of the story of that diver squad that found a human being who survived for 3 days in an air pocket subsequently a ship wreck. Here is the video of the moment they found him.

They were on a body recovery mission and were not expecting anyone to be alive, just miraculously he survived for iii days underwater and manifestly had to mind as his crewmates were being eaten by sharks and other fish. Here is a skillful article about how he managed to survive.

I tin't imagine how creepy and unexpected it would exist to be on a mission to recover the dead and have a mitt achieve out to y'all like it did to those dives.

-eDgAR- , The Telegraph Report

I dive myself merely this story is actually from my granddaddy who is a dive principal. He and my grandma went diving in Cancun for a vacation and with both of them being dive masters they knew what they were doing. The atomic number 82 of the dive grouping caught on and had them help out some of the new defined with clearing their ears or getting the weight belts set to the right weight. Well, my grandfather got a young 20 something year erstwhile girl who had just got her diver certification. They had planned on diving off a drib off. If y'all don't know what a drop off is, it is when it goes from a 40 foot reef to a cliff that god only knows how far down. Well they swam over the reef and on the last part of that particular dive went over to the cliff to see what was on the wall. The immature daughter that my grandfather was helping, which by the way was certified to dive no more than 60 feet, quickly started taking a nose swoop down the wall. l,threescore,70,eighty feet downwards the wall. My grandfather and the dive lead tried to grab her and chased her down to 120 feet, the limit they could safely go with the corporeality of air they had, and watched her go along down and down until they couldn't see her anymore. She never came back up and no ane knew why she did it. It shook upwardly the whole dive grouping especially my grandfather as he felt responsible for non stopping her in time.

level one TheNeonLion_ Written report

About three years ago my young man and I went on an unguided dive in Egypt. We both knew the dive side from previous trips and felt pretty comfortable to go lone: It'south non a very hard one and nosotros didn't want to hold up a grouping in case my young man wanted to take some pictures, which tin can take a while. 1 of the perks of this detail dive side was a single choral at 38m, with a 90% adventure to find a long nose hawkfish (a really cute guy, please google it, 10/ten would recommend). The normal procedure would be to spend nearly of your dive at ~ 25m, brand a quick stop at 38m to check for the hawkfish and make your way upwardly once more. This should usually take you lot only five minutes or something, however we didn't find him and wasted quite a lot of time looking. At this bespeak I was getting kind of sleepy (in retrospect this was the first sign that something was going horribly incorrect) and wanted to finish the dive, so I could take a nap on the gunkhole. I basically dragged my beau abroad from the coral and we're almost to make our manner up once again until I notice something. Hidden between one of the rocks was the strangest looking octopus I've e'er seen. It was bright carmine (you cannot see the colour red that deep underwater, its pysically incommunicable) and had super weird silvery eyes. All in all it looked super funny and nosotros were both laughing at its stupid face up. My boyfriend makes quite a few pictures, until his computer goes apesh*t and basically forces us to slowly ascend and brand 3 deco stops along the way. That finally snapped us out of it, considering we did non intend to make a deco stop, let alone three. We finally reach the surface with only 20 bars left in our oxygen tanks (a huge no go, you should always have at to the lowest degree 50 on reserve) an are yet absolutely blown away by that strange octopus. Nosotros've never seen something like this before, and change our equipment ASAP so we tin look at the pictures. Exept, when we go through the pictures, in that location'south cypher. Simply 20+ pictures of one single rock, no octopus or anything in sight. The rock wasn't even a strange colour and that's when it dawned on united states of america: the depth, the time, our strange behaviour underwater: That sounded a lot like nitrogen poisioning. You should know, the longer you spend at great depths, the more than likely nitrogen poisioning becomes. It's basically an anesthetic that firsts makes you lot high and delirious until you pass out. And underwater is basically the worst place to pass out, ever. And then here nosotros were, at 38m, giggling at a rock without a care in the world, basically tripping on nitrogen whith our oxygen running dangerously low. I'thou pretty sure if information technology weren't for our computer, we would have passed out and died. We still cant explain how we both saw exactly the aforementioned matter, though. Tl,dr: basically had an LSD trip underwater. Would not recommend.

Umbrea Report

But for some people, the fright of underwater depths is so strong, it really qualifies every bit a phobia on its own. Known as "thalassophobia," which stems from the Greek thalassa ("the sea") and phobos ("fear"), information technology is characterized by intense and persistent fear of deep bodies of body of water.

Co-ordinate to Very Well Mind, this phobia is dissimilar from aquaphobia, the fright of water, considering thalassophobia centers on bodies of water that seem vast, dark, deep, and dangerous.

I've done a number of dives, and the strangest thing I e'er saw was a big deep freezer with a heavy industrial concatenation wrapped around multiple times with about five cinder blocks attached. It was very very rusted and the deep freezer itself had to have been 30+ years sometime, probably more. This was about xc feet deep only off Vancouver Island, Canada. The situation gave myself and the other defined the newbie jeebies. Logged the gps and depth co-ordinates and notified the police. We were able to discover out what was inside, since one of the divers had friends with local law. x porcelain dolls....

count_dynamo Report

Probably half a shark. Still swimming effectually but his entire left side was only gone, organs hanging out of him and everything. Similar a living resident evil zombie shark. He must have been very recently attacked because i doubt you can live very long with your entire insides poking out.

Keskekun Written report

Got charged by a mother humpback, her curious calf had swum effectually us and nosotros were betwixt her and the calf. Two of us never saw it coming, we were watching the baby, just our third diver watched her come up. She kicked downward and swam under united states last minute. We didn't come across anything until that 60ft freight train passed just underneath us

sidetrack38 Report

Meanwhile, some ocean mysteries are so spine-chilling they can hands crevice the bravest of us. You've probably heard of the Bermuda Triangle, where a U.s. Navy send disappeared in 1918 with 300 crew members. In 1945, five navy bombers vanished while flying over the area. Merely the idea of it combined with how little we know of the deep waters is enough to make 1's stomach turn.

Rescue/Recovery diver here.

Every time I've recovered a drowning victim I get the creeps. Unfortunately a lot of people are under the impression that every underwater environment is like the movies and there's absolute clarity, that's rarely the instance.

I evening I got called out for a immature daughter that jumped from a bridge, she likely survived the fall and entry. We have a morbid term for what happened to her upon hitting the water:


I found her with a surprising amount of visibility in relatively shallow water. She was stuck in the mud to just below her knees, and y'all could see the fear locked into her eyes/confront.

In that location's nada peaceful well-nigh suicide past bridge.

Baltimoron50 Report

I had a dive master that told me once he was diving somewhere and establish a full skeleton wearing diving gear with the air on the tank turned off pretty deep down. If I remember correctly they said they reported it to the police and it was institute out the man'southward wife turned off his air while they were on a dive to murder him.

camberto5 Report

At Sand Hollow Reservoir in Washington County, Utah there's an old schoolhouse bus and retired flight school airplane at the bottom for divers to explore. In that location'south a geocache in the motorbus so my brother (retired Army Ranger) and myself (Civilian mechanic with no diving feel as well trying to crush my son in a breath property contest in the pool out back) fix out to find it on a sunny summer twenty-four hour period. Afterwards about fifteen minutes we found the motorcoach; Rusted, rotting and covered in algae. Nosotros entered from the dorsum and began searching for the geocache. We constitute it, signed it and swapped the item out. What we took out was a piece of newspaper wrapped in multiple zip lock bags and the attachment cut off and torched to seal it indefinitely. On the paper was a unmarried pedagogy, "item too big to put in container, cheque driver seat." Intrigued we made out way to the front.

Now, I wish I was making this up. I was the starting time to reach the commuter seat. I got to the front and what do I discover? A body, wrapped in trash numberless and taped with a 45 pound concatenation effectually the ankles. I let out a blood curdling scream like a 5 year old was just told he couldn't have a cookie right earlier bed. My brother without reacting grabbed the body, pointed to the weight and nosotros made our fashion toward the surface. Once nosotros got to the surface we put our flag up and got on our gunkhole one time information technology arrived. We called the rangers over the radio and met them at the docks where we met a fleet of park rangers and county officers. They cut the numberless while they were taking our argument to notice that someone had left 130 or so pounds of carbohydrate in gallon nix lock bags in the shape of a body.

skinnman96 Study

This isn't my story simply my dads. So when he was in grad schoolhouse he did some field studies classes some of which involved diving in Monterey Bay. One day he was diving counting something off of the Santa Cruz Pier and he finds a shopping cart with bricks and cinder blocks and a chain fastened to the handle. He naturally followed the chain and plant a blank foot wrapped in the chain. He assumes something probably ate the residue of the torso and plainly his friends had seen similar things too.

Also not mine but my dads friend. He says he was on a shelf counting mussels when he felt something tap his tank and he looked around and didn't see anything. He figured information technology was a seal cause they like to play. When he was nudged over again he saw information technology was a great white. He says he thought to himself "if it gets me information technology gets me I tin't out swim it". Now I don't know if he was actually that arctic I sure wouldn't be simply that's how he tells information technology.

taeamu Study

30 Of The Creepiest Things People Have Seen While Diving There'southward a sea-loch in Scotland called Loch Fyne that is popular with divers. One time on a dive, in what I thought was a remote part of the loch (I used a gunkhole to become in that location), I was descending a vertical wall and came beyond garden gnomes around x metres down, just sitting in the ledges. One was line-fishing. We concluded that it was some other dive club having fun.

magicguppy , magicguppy Written report

And so, three days agone I went snorkeling off Mnemba island in Zanzibar. Everything went normal, and we start heading back. I catch my internet handbag and put my black fins, blackness mask, snorkel and black wetsuit within.

One time back aground, I grab my pocketbook, bound off the boat and head to the rental office to return the equipment. At that signal I feel my bag is moving somehow.

At first expect, it seemed like a flat, black, worm squirming quickly. Afterwards rotating the pocketbook, I realised I was looking only at the tail of an otherwise ~1m long Black bounding main-snake, one of the most venomous reptiles I could find, trying to become out of the internet.

How information technology got in that location, I have no freaking clue.

patrik667 Written report

My dad used to work as a diver and he told me the reason he gave upwards diving.

Basically a small boat sank about an hour from our hometown and he was sent down to the wreck to find the bodies if there were any.

He quickly located the wreck and opened up the door and a corpse littered with tiny prawns came rushing towards him and essentially 'hugged' him.

That was the 24-hour interval my dad decided to quit diving.

He told me so many creepy stories that i could write more here.

hremmingar Report

Night dive off a fishing pier in Hawaii, lots of fish guts in the h2o rolling around the bottom, a decent sized white tip shows up zipping and out of our lights. It'southward my first shark; cool! Then I see it getting more agitated and closer, it split me and my swoop buddy, turned, arched information technology's back, pectoral fins down, and darted in directly at memy dive light. And then I punched it. I punched a shark in the face at almost 2' from my stomach. I was freaked the f**1000 out. Finished the swoop and didn't encounter him once again but dear god I did non savor the rest of that dive and my air consumption was suuuper high.

Shmeein Report

When I was a kid we used to become to a place during the summertime vacation which had some very nice beaches and in item an estuary with a very wide river mouth.

One summer at that place was a "rex tide" where enough of the water emptied out of the river into the ocean that y'all could snorkel quite easily from one side of the river mouth to the other every bit information technology got so shallow that it was only a meter or so deep at the deepest office.

One twenty-four hour period I decided to snorkel across from one embankment to the one on the other side of the river, and about halfway beyond where the depth to the bottom was maybe half a meter, I was swimming along the surface looking down with my mask/snorkel on and a MASSIVE stingray passed directly underneath me. This affair was easily 2 meters across, covered in white scars and missing its tail. I simply froze in the water and it felt like my heart stopped. If I had've let my jiff out, I would've dropped in the water low plenty that I would've landed on it, it was and so shut. I wasn't in any danger but having a massive creature appear so unexpectedly, so close upward was absolutely terrifying.

Captain-Crowbar Report

I'chiliad a commercial diver, and was once on a job cleaning a drink water reservoir. I'd been in other reservoirs before, simply this was by far the biggest, at 40x80 metres. To become in you had to open a hatch in the footing (the whole reservoir was underground) and climb downwards a ladder. The hatch was in a corner, so when you were in the far corner of the reservoir, it was completely pitch black, and you just had to hope your lite didn't get out. I was about half way through a three 60 minutes swoop when the batteries in my torch started going flat. I watched the beam get narrower and dimmer until it cut out completely. Information technology's not a huge trouble if yous lose light, equally you tin can only follow your umbilical dorsum to the hatch. Just as I started walking back, some obnoxiously loud banging started somewhere in the reservoir. I was the only diver in there, then it both confused and scared the s**t out of me. Needless to say I ran dorsum to the hatch as fast every bit I could. I ended up getting my torch changed out and doing some other hour in the water, only didn't hear the noise again. I still have no idea what it was, just the combination of my torch going out and loud banging coming from somewhere gave me a hell of a fearfulness.

Digestivesrule Report

You can dive in homo made lakes and cheque out what'southward left of erstwhile flooded homes and communities. Information technology'due south pretty dark and spooky down there no matter what, especially when you think of all the big fish swimming around that are barely silhouettes until they're shut. My buddy likes to dive in lakes. He said the creepiest thing, by far, is finding cemeteries 100 ft + beneath the water in the night, eerie tranquility. four twenty-four hour period edit: I asked him about large fish. He said there'south definitely south**t down at that place bigger than he expected - 4 or 5 feet. They're attracted to the lights and noise simply watch from a altitude - which is notwithstanding discincerting, but dark, 2d shapes drifting nearby. None of the monsters other folks are bringing upwards though.

UrethraFrankIin Study

I dive myself but heard this story from a garda diver. In 2010 a man took a exam drive in a car with the salesman and in a suicide attempt he collection the motorcar off the pier into the sea and drowned. The salesman managed to escape my breaking the window and swimming to the surface. The divers were dispatched to retrieve the other man's trunk. This isn't in the news report which I have a link to below for anyone interested. Simply through working in marinas at the time I was able to be role of the conversation with the diver in question. When he got to the car, he said, the man was yet facing forward, hands on the steering wheel, optics broad. He'd been there a couple of hours at present, where information technology gets creepy is when the diver opened the commuter door, this combined with the smashed window acquired the currents to flow through the car and the homo'due south wide eyed head turned around slowly with the force of information technology to face the diver.

dandylahma Report

I one time went diving in port Elizabeth, Southward Africa where information technology is quite popular to see sharks.

We begin diving and we are quite far from the shore, there's a cool looking structure under united states, we swim towards it to go a closer look and I just start getting this cold cold common cold cold feeling running through my body, and that's when a shark appeared and I physically shat myself from fearfulness.

chaantayx Report

I accept 150+ dive merely tin't say I've seen annihilation all that creepy. But I do have a cool dive story to share.

I was diving the Blue Hole in Belize and nosotros were at max depth which is 120 feet. It gets weird at that depth. The lite level is getting pretty low and information technology feels... oppressive. You realize y'all're Manner down.

At that place are some lemon sharks that swim around the Blue Hole. They are curious and like to cheque out divers, only they are harmless. They look mean as hell though and can get viii-9 feet easily.

At 120 anxiety one of them decided to come check out me and my (now ex) wife. She was a bit in front of me only when she saw the shark beelining towards usa she speedily swam behind me and SHOVED me towards the shark. I was NOT expecting that and it took a minute to process what happened, but I felt bad for her more than annihilation. She was terrified for a few seconds.

I laughed about it later and said at least I knew where I stood with her. She is a adept diver but the sight of that eight human foot shark swimming direct at her with a mouth full of teeth triggered her survival instincts. I didn't hold it against her. :)

As I got shoved towards the shark, who was at that betoken only almost 6 feet abroad from me, he calmly turned to the side and glided right past me and then went on to bank check out some other divers. We started our ascent and I didn't come across him once more. Information technology was a very cool feel.

UnknwnSoldier Report

When I was a kid swimming in the lake at summer camp, I dove underwater and I swear I saw someone in SCUBA gear hiding underneath the dock watching the states. I told the lifeguard, simply he wasn't able to find anyone

username_redacted Written report

I got told a story once by a Maori Linguistic communication teacher of mine during my time at High School. Nosotros didn't learn much Maori, simply listened to stories.

A dam in the Waikato, New Zealand had begun to have visible cracks in the physical on the outside function of the dam and some drivers were organised to dive downwardly and check the inside submerged part of the dam for damage on that side.

While they were down there, at that place was the usual droppings yous would find behind a man made wall which prevents the h2o from flowing as it would normally practise if in that location wasn't a dam there.

Turns out what they thought were large logs were in fact huge eels which had gotten to the size of logs due to beingness prevented from migrating to the sea, where they brood and die. Then from existence prevented from doing their natural life duties they merely get larger and larger.

That would be creepy seeing eels deep downwards in the water merely floating around...

HandsomeKiwiBoy Report

This isn't my story simply I though information technology was creepy when I heard it.

My nifty grandfather and nifty great grandpa ran a diving business together in a small town. This happened a long time ago, probably mid 60s.

My grandma and her friends (one of which was her boyfriend) decided to become down to the embankment and all the boys decided to get into the water, and swam near the well-known spot where the current of the h2o is so stiff can elevate a boat underwater. The boys went near it and were dragged underwater and killed immediately (they were fourteen, fifteen and 16 might I add). The coastguard were notified and my grandmas Dad and his Dad were called out to retrieve the bodies, once the current had relocated them to a safer diving spot.

The divers went underwater and constitute the 3 bodies and the clarification nonetheless sits with me even four years later I was told:

One boy (the youngest) had his arm torn in such a way by the current that information technology looked like it had only been snapped off.

The 15 year old boy was bobbing around with his eyes wide open up and chest swollen.

Simply the sixteen twelvemonth old male child had his skull caved in, where he was obviously smashed confronting something difficult when he was flung by the currents of the h2o.

robinnhugill Report

Not a personal story, simply one well-nigh the lake near where I alive.

The lake most my dwelling is homo made, except instead of flooding a manifestly or clear cutting forest, they just flooded a dumbo patch of woods surrounding the river, trees and anything else that was there. A combination of this and the wildly unpredictable terrain has pb to hundreds of drownings...and subsequent deaths due to sudden driblet offs or people getting trapped underwater. The army corps of engineers refuses to dive on the lake considering they take labeled information technology too dangerous, pregnant nearly of the bodies are still down there, somewhere.

There are as well local rumors that amongst the forest trees are buildings and homes, long since flooded and forgotten..

AyAyAyBamba_462 Report

Obligatory non me just.. My dad used to exercise a bunch of diving effectually some lakes in Minnesota, just his favorite was diving in the old iron mine pits around Crosby, MN. These lakes are almost always glass clear (except when pine pollen season hits) and exceptionally deep compared to the natural lakes. After a sure depth, theres a layer of silt (I remember simply decomposed matter) that lays apartment and blocks out the little bit of light that gets to information technology. There was this 1 pit that my dad went diving into that had these steps leading into a cavern, being at the right depth for the silt to gather, making a very, very ominous looking stairway to zippo. Thus existence dubbed: The Stairway to Hell.

iBenJammin- Report

I dropped my goggles and was trying to attain down in the river and take hold of it but I pulled out a sheep skull by its sockets. Wasn't equally creepy in hindsight but 10 year quondam me was scared.

F**kSirah Report

My time to smoothen. I was an instructor/tech xr /mixed gas/overhead/the whole shebang when I was a young idiot that was pretty much trying to dice. I can remember diving in a bound organisation in Florida with manatees and bumping into something on the bottom. Manatees just normally chill at the tiptop and are literally like large floating sausages. And so I looked down and saw a MASSIVE gator tail classy off into the less than clear water. I've done shark dives in the Commonwealth of the bahamas, run into bulls, tigers, the whole gambit, but that right there terrified me. Another fun one was I was leading a group off of pcbc on the twin tugs and had a bull shark follow the entire time and no one else even saw it until we came upward. That was hilarious to come across their reactions.

Ouchouchwronghole87 Report


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